I think there is hope for younger generations presently locked out of home ownership etc., as a fiat collapse may (or will) deflate the bubbles and return us to what I would call reasonable asset prices. We shall see. And I have often wondered that if, and when it does all collapse (i am certain) and revert back, what will all the financial experts and vested interests say? Oh, sorry about that?

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I don't see how a collapse can be avoided -- I expected one around 2009. The words "final reckoning" keep coming to mind. It's the highly leveraged debt. There's just so much. Housing price deflation will continue in my opinion. The problem for the central bankers is their product has no value left -- they're facing the inevitability of the mathematics. So I expect general deflation too, which ultimately will reduce the money supply. That will not help first home buyers. We'll see.

There's nothing left in the dollar which is why they're desperately looking at alternatives. We're seeing this all around the world. In NZ they want to push people into a CBDC; I think this will fail but may take a few years. Again, the same problem. No actual value.

Re: "what will all the financial experts and vested interests say" -- that's what's so interesting about researching this NZ Financial Reset series. I see many parallels between then (1920s, 1930s) and now, in terms of what the 'experts' were saying. The bankers were honest among themselves (the documents now available make that very clear) and they knew the causes of the, now called, Great Depression. But they lied. Globally and in NZ. This is going to be the topic of the next essay - if I can ever work out how to write it so it's reasonably coherent. I channel my late mother-in-law. She used to say "if I had more time I'd write less"; and I've got a bit of time.

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Geez mate, you are next-level with your research and understanding of the financial system, and I am looking like an interested in comparison. That said, most everyone else i know (that i know anyways), has no freaking clue, so whatever unfolds will be fascinating, and potentially excruciating, if nothing else, cheers

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Don't know about next level, just something I've been interested in since I learnt the stuff I was working for has no intrinsic value; is created out of thin air using debt and is backed by taxes. So I've been looking at this for nearly 30 years in one way or another. I still see this as a great opportunity, though I don't personally support a "gold standard" - that's a long discussion - but I was interested to see the Fed was looking at it.

Your experience reflects mine. I've renamed my wood burner "Rome" as in 'fiddling while Rome burns' because that's what I'm seeing all around me. Even with people purporting to understand what's happening. Oh well. Can only look after myself but I would like to have at least some people around me who survive with some assets intact.

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Yes, so interesting, and seriously, if you asked 100, or 1000 random people in Auckland, or Christchurch, or Orlando, or Melbourne, or Montreal, questions about the financial system we live under, the system that totally controls our lives, what would these people say, or know? Most, by far, like 99 % would know sweet FA, I would guess.

And how does it all play out? F**ked if I know, but it could be a continuing slow grind down, or a quick implosion, or something in-between, who knows. But what scares me is that the powercrats currently in control won't like to be dethroned, and will fight like nasty cornered animals, the world be damned

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I think we know how it plays out. There's only one way it can. It unwinds, and as it does so people suffer. This is not new. Because I've been looking closely at this for nearly 30 years I know the unwinding is a managed process aimed at moving as much risk onto populations away from bankers; they do not want to be the victim of a collapsed currency they caused. What we're seeing today is EXACTLY what we saw in the 1920s/30s. Even to the gaslighting from the bankers/politicians. Just look at Orr's latest (lying) statements on inflation.

They will fight. And I'm not going to be a passive victim.

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One major problem I'm finding is unless something is dramatic, people wont believe. These things never ever happen like that. They happen slowly slowly slowly...then bang.

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Your posts make me nervous.

But good on you for exposing the belief system.

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The problem we're seeing is a result of the appalling (i.e. zero) education given in the public system about money. Until very recently people didn't want to hear this message. Now they're seeing the facts on the ground, and starting to pay attention. I don't believe inflation is even close to being over; I'm looking at the actual futures market trading which will translate into consumer price inflation in a few months.

But don't be nervous. A lack of information means you can't take actions. Now you can if you believe what I'm saying.

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Well I am having a spending spree if that's what you mean.

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I agree on your premise fiat must be pegged to something else other than ‘the ability of the printing press’. But I think all scarcity is manufactured.

Gold is not scarce just like water is not scarce.

Gold is a guarded recipe that must be licensed or minted by the author-rites/right. Therefore the gold price is protected by the same who benefit from fiat. It’s just a lot easier to print than to forge and store gold. Hence the ‘old’ gold mines are restarted as required, as people demand gold replace fiat. The criminal class have control of every asset and market.

Gold is not an element but a compound. Just like aluminium and iron and copper and everything listed on the elemental table. They are products of alchemy not refined elements.

Science is the Wild West. The story /theory has been established by thieves and protected by corruption sheriffs. It is time we put every theory to the merit test. Truth loves scrutiny and the foundations of science need weeding.

The gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is a fraud. We breathe air not oxygen is my article. I explain how I reached this assertion. It’s important we know the difference between air and oxygen.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology.

Hydration equals SALT plus water.

Salt is the lead in the dance of hydration.

Click on my blue icon to read.

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