This looks like war

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A one army war.

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You mean the Iranians?

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We know things are bad, but they do so much fakery we don't know how much is faked imagery or fear mongering, fake Israeli shit statements etc. We just know the NWO runs this, like everything they do. The NWO has faked and false flagged the US people and mil to genocide many millions of persons under the pretense of war, we need to be clear who fakes and incites these dog fights.

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I spoke recently with an Israeli woman visiting New Zealand who told me they are surrounded by enemies and ‘they are simply defending their country’. And did I know that ‘Palestinian and muslim mothers tell their children that the only good Jew is a dead one. She actually asked me directly if I supported Israel.

I responded that I am only in favour of peace and unity. And there, the conversation on that topic ended.

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Imagine the propaganda fed to the people to promote FUD and to trust their ‘leaders’.

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FUD=Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

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That last image... Trees still standing... Looks like DEW...

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Max's vids as in Max Igan?

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Once society figures out that the Jew cult is the broom that sweeps up for the freemason cult, just like the Zionist Maori cult, muslin etc, because the mason's never get their hands dirty! That is how you maintain your communitarian falsehoods of giving a fuck! All masonic lodges and jewgogs need to have wildfires so they cannot worship their Yahweh idols, then evil will devour them for failing so they believe.

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