Thought you might have been going to show some group photos of people and that in the middle would be an *unknown* who is now revealed as the leader.


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Sorry. Just more financial stuff. Trying to educate people, especially certain people. Who are starting to get it. In NZ we're starting with basics.

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What you are doing is good.

Basics is good.

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Well if NZers cannot get the basics right and understand what t f is happening in the real world, NZ stays the same, being led down the garden path by fish n chip and soup kitchen staff! The further down the sinkhole we end up! It should be made a condition as the role of PM, integrity, honesty and accountability, is what they swear an oath to, the onus is on them! That would keep the honesty prevalent. I am so sick of seeing these scumbags just suck the life out of all of us! How dumb must one be to not see this shit, it astounds just one neuron of my intellect!

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Most NZers are heavily indoctrinated and easily distracted. It's costing many of us. A lot. I'm sick of it too.

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I say We get rid of money... It is a very dangerous tool - it promotes psychopaths to the top of the power heap, and it's archaic.

Addressing Roy Childs’ 1969 Open Letter to Ayn Rand (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/addressing-roy-childs-1969-open-letter

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Treasury, however, has some of the best minds in the country. When the coalition govt was elected a couple cycles back, [we don't say her name] appointed Labour/globalist favorites to senior Treasury positions and the staff were livid. It is total understatement to say that Treasury staff hated [we don't say her name]. I voted yes, but please consider that without some of those Treasury minds, we would be further in the hole than we are. The bad news is that having a great mind doesn't often come with physical strength...so those great minds are limited to risk-averse behaviours and subtle subversion, rather than being capable of throwing the new appointees down several flights of stairs, or running them over in the carpark, &c.

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The problem is debt based fiat currencies. Treasury facilitate. But this is a very long conversation.

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Let me see if I have this right,

the Reserve Bank is going to print 35B NZD and "buy" Government Bonds. Which the tax payer will then have to pay back, both the principle (35B NZD) + interest in real taxes over the next many years and decades.?

And this is on top of the ~58B NZD that the Reserve Bank previously "bought" at the height of Covid?

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I assume you mean the $35.8B on the RBNZ balance sheet as LSAP securities. The taxpayer will pick up the tab for interest and ultimately the principals whenever the bonds mature (I've not had the time to look at this) - whether through direct taxes or pushing the can down the road by selling more bonds to pay for it - like the govt has been doing). Given what's happened to M1 (large decline for the first time in history) I assume the latter.

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I’ve had a look at Papers Past a few months ago on this Central Bank thing. Pretty interesting, it didn’t have much support at the time but you know the old story, ignore that and bribe a few politicians. Also BIS & the Rothschilds were fighting for control in Europe for the same thing and Germany was their main target. I’m almost certain (although more hunch than research right now) that the Rothschilds put Hitler up for the job of making them a Central Bank in Germany. 1932 stories about it seem to make it clear.

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I agree, it looks like there was strong opposition. I suspect people knew they were being lied to. I also suspect people were very distracted by the depression and given the society was completely destabilized by WW1, including the deaths of the cohort that could have physically resisted if they wanted to. I guess it was very difficult to get a real opposition going; and of course they had Labour (soon to be elected), Douglas Credit movement etc. muddying the intellectual water. But at least people were trying to resist.

The bankers were pushing for the BIS as early as 1920 at the League of Nations’ Brussels International Financial Conference (followed by the Genoa Economic and Financial Conference in 1922). Both reports are interesting. And surprisingly honest. Didn't translate into anything the NZ CB pushers said. Or did. Have a look at who initially funded Hitler. 2 (or was it 3, I forget now) Jewish bankers in Berlin. Germany was certainly the target in my opinion. Have a look at the PrussiaGate series on Substack (apologies if I have already suggested this). It's long, very well researched and covers some of this.

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I will have a look.

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