Well, You know My take on money (and I mean anything that served the foundational function of accounting for the energy We add into a system, irrespective of any convolutions added atop).

It is an archaic tool and it promotes psychopaths to the top (the Ones there now own virtually all the "precious metals..."). And since We have psychopaths at the top, by virtue of money, They avidly hide and suppress the technologies that make accounting for Our energy pointless. They'd lose Their single tool to power.

But good for You working the problem at hand with such grace!

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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Like my take.

Are you familiar with the idea of buildings collecting electricity etc. from the ether? So-called cathedrals etc. I would guess you are. I think it's technically very possible, almost a given (short of an experiment) and I've been looking at this in my home town Christchurch, NZ. They're everywhere in the country, and the world. For example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_the_Blessed_Sacrament,_Christchurch Good film.

These massive and amazing buildings could only have been built by a people at peace who weren't being parasitically preyed on by the 'money lenders.'

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Indeed, Tartaria and all. And I ponder how the money made its way into society when it was unnecessary...

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Have you had a look at David Graeber's 'Debt: The First 5000 Years"? Important book I think. Graeber says money as we know it really took off as a consequence of war. When debt needed to be settled immediately. Soldier's passing through is a different situation than (say) your neighbour who you ask for a pig for your daughter's wedding and 6 mths later you give your neighbour some shoes (say) to repay the 'debt'. I'm being grossly simplistic. As you have identified in your essays we need to move away from money but this requires either

1. The idea of debt be removed from human consciousness. Won't happen in my lifetime. So

2. The idea that debt, if it does arise, does not need immediate settlement. And if this is achieved then

3. The idea that debt can be settled in another commodity rather than 'money'.

2 & 3 require trust. And then more and more 'transactions' that either don't incur debt or don't require immediate settlement.

I just see this as a process.

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When free energy is flowing there is no "debt" per se. When You grasp that 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy - the resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration - You can see that with free energy, We don't have to account for Our energy added.

And We do not need to remove anything from Consciousness, nor be concerned about settling anything. As the cost of energy is removed all down the lone, things will become cheaper and cheaper. As they do, We can apply Our efforts to creating robots for all necessary work no One WANTS to do, leaving work that is of interest to someOne(s) to work on.

And We do not need 100% of Us doing work - today We have about 80% of the jobs that, in some way, handle money, and overall merely move it upwards to the psychopaths in control.

Cashiers, sales, accounting, advertising, marketing, debt collection, tax collection, insurance, casinos, Wall Street, and banking - all would be pointless where no money is in use. This leaves Most free to do as We please - well, We ALL will be free to do as We please; doing some needed work will be what some of Us are pleased to do.

Replace the slave's creed, the work "ethic," with the Betterment Ethic (a true Ethic), and We will be seeking ways to make things better for those around Us and around the globe.

I give it about 10 years from the time free energy is flowing to the time collecting the penny for the house (or whatever) is more energy than it's worth.

If We wait for People to change, nothing will change. If We change the environment, the change will be forthcoming.

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