Sent to family who previously worked in banking and finance - thanks!

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I doubt they’ll like/agree with the Phillips Curve analysis. If your family member has had anything to do with economics/finance/banking over the past 30 years s/he will have been well indoctrinated. The problem is the same as we see in medicine and much other ‘science.’ Theory and models superseding reality.

In engineering if our models are wrong it becomes very obvious very quickly (e.g. plane crashes, factory explodes, bridge collapses…). Which is why they’re accurate — they are tested and retested at multiple scales.

Another example; this is why we know EMF is so dangerous (as far as I am aware it was an engineer from Texas Instruments who first blew the whistle on cell phones c40 years ago)…I could go on.

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Two younger persons who had lights turned on through convid - be interesting to see what they think.

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I too will be interested to know what they think. If appropriate and you feel like it I would love some feedback from an age group I have no real contact with (I’m 55). I wont debate these days; have been looking at this problem for too long. 25+ years now, including the problem with debt based fiat currency. Nothing I’m seeing now surprises me; it was baked in in 1971 (67 really in NZ but that’s another story), by 2008 I thought it had 10 years max to go; wrong by 2 years. Now we’re seeing the death by 1000 cuts end and lies/narrative control that’s out of this world.

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For all that everything is going to blow up in our faces, there is a lot of pleasure to be had currently with questioning all the accepted science.

I'm not going as far as the flat earth but currently enjoying thinking about Pete and Peter's (YouTube videos) thoughts on how can water be composed of two volatile gases.

Too much of accepted science is just an hypothesis that everyone ran with.

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Don’t know Pete and Peter’s work. But I do know water is not what you (or I) learnt. Gerald Pollock is the best to look at for this in English I think. Most science is deeply flawed as taught. Ditto math until very high level. Flat earth. Don’t know. Earth as they say it is. No, I don’t think so. But there’s especially a lot of disinfo in that space. Personally I would need to get back to first principles and check everything, and there is no time right now.

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Here was I telling myself that at least math is not fiction.

Do they still have a *non -fiction* classification in the library? What could possibly be in it?

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Math for me is more about what they never covered; sometimes collectively called “sacred geometry.” When I stumbled across this idea a few decades ago it opened a whole new world up. And the electric universe model (lots of math I never came across and I went to a reasonably high level).

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As you say, no time to discover everything.

Great work you are doing in your area.

If everyone questioned the accepted theories what a revolution we would have.

A great awakening.

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Looking at Gerald Pollack now.

Good to put these resources in the comments for those who read later.

I really enjoyed geometry at school but in the advanced classes there was no geometry and impression that geometry was just for third formers who were not smart enough for calculus.

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Re geometry that was exactly my experience. If you’re interested in science have a look at some of Sheldrake’s work.


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We surely are beset by psychopaths with money, eh?

Humanity Beset (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/humanity-beset

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no wonder we are insane.

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We aren't insane, just befuddled and misinformed. The Ones controlling all this...? They're the Ones insane.

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I'm always puzzled about what's included in inflation measuring.

Sorry, have not been keeping up with "core inflation" not including food and energy.

Sounds like Orwellian double speak to me.

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“Sounds like Orwellian double speak to me.“

The world of economics.

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And thus I work to remove tangible "economies." Where the currency is social and in denominations like praise, thanks, appreciation, lauds, fame and other such positive ways of expression - with negative denominations for poor behavior: disdain, scorn, ignoring, mocking and such.

My latest piece goes into why money is a bane to Humanity:

A Discussion on Accounting for Our Energy Added (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-discussion-on-accounting-for-our

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