Dehydration is the same condition as hyponatremia or low salt or altitude sickness. Different names for the same symptoms.

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Interesting to know, thank you for sharing

I looked it up and found you can get effects from bathing in gum turpentine

Here’s the link


You may like to read my articles and ponder.

I’ve dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as fraud rather than fact.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

Zero oxygen is required.

Oxygen is a man made PRODUCT of air not a constituent of air.

To make oxygen air is stripped of moisture to the parts per million of water contamination. Oxygen is measured by its DRYNESS.

Air and oxygen can not co-exist. Oxygen on release from containment extracts moisture from its surroundings and reverts to its natural state, air.

We breathe air not oxygen.

Air is measured by its moisture. The lungs require the air reaching the alveoli to be at 100% humidity. That is dew point or drop point.

Oxygen toxicity is due to its power to dehydrate.

Salt restriction is promoted because it causes dis-ease and distress.

Dehydration is managed by the adrenals.

Hence fight/flight/freeze results and strategic thinking is prevented. Just what you need to manipulate masses of people.

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

Get salty!

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"We breathe air not oxygen."

I said exactly the same thing to someone the other day who was trying to get me to use a hyperbaric O2 chamber.

Thanks for links.

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Aug 4Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Hey Craig, glad to hear your feeling better!

I just watched your video with Counterspin from early 2022. Wish I had seen it sooner! I was hanging on every word you were saying! So interesting! Have you done any other interviews?

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Author

No. Just that one. Did it for a reason; was particularly sending a message to some people who like to think they’re in power.

Glad you enjoyed it.

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Aug 5Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Oh yes! Go you! Yep very much so. Shame there’s only the one. Your knowledge and the way your able to convey that is captivating!

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We’ll get there. I’ve probably had a bit more time than most. Was already looking at some of this broader agenda when I was poisoned. Since then I’ve kept up with things as much as possible.

The idea is easy really. Just follow the money. Sometimes actually doing that is not so easy.

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Aug 6Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

I see. Yes your a smart guy, it’s clear 😊

I skeptically took the C injections (2) and then woke up about 3 months later and have been playing catch up since! Unfortunately I am injured and have not been able to work for 2 years. I can empathise with your poisoning. I am following your journey with turpentine etc closely and really hoping this is a winner for you ❤️

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Author

I can’t comment on the injections, but I believe there are people working on detox for them. I don’t know if any are using gum turpentine. Try Amandha Vollmer (she’s on substack). For me I think it’s just a matter of chipping away. If condition stops improving I’ll try something else.

Tordon is a mix of nasty chemicals, and I’m just assuming it is Tordon. So I hope to move a bit of this, try something else to move a bit of that. It’s all very hit and miss and slow but as I say. Chip away.

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Jul 31Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Great to hear of progress. On the eyesight topic I've just read this book by a Kiwi ... not expensive either. Good description at the link ... he healed his own eye probs (& helped many others) with nutrition. I see it's currently sold out but hopefully more will come. https://ephraimhealth.co.nz/collections/health-books/products/healing-and-reversing-eye-problems

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Shame it's sold out.

Do you want to spill the beans on best foods for glaucoma issues please?

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There's way more than I could share here but basically the glaucoma recommendation is 70gm minimum protein & at least 1 cup spinach or other dark leaf veg daily. Generally there's the Vit A orange fruit n veg. Plus a stack of vitamins in particular the eye vits, Perfect Eyes he recommends (Eye Bright, Bilberry, Gingko etc). (Am taking those & have been taking others which have definitely helped in terms of eye pain & discomfort). If you msg me your email I could copy those 2-3 pages for you. Would recommend you watch out for their book to restock tho. Much info. They would've just sold out as they had a freebie offer last weekend.

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I will keep a look out for the book, but thank you very much for your helpful reply.

I'm not happy being dependent on Drug Companies, as you can imagine. LOL

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You're welcome. If you can figure a way to upload here on substack let me know. Could do that way if you prefer. And nah not happy being dependent on drug cos either. We really need to go back to nature.

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Thanks Pam. I’ll get this. The right food is essential. I think if I had not been onto the food thing before I was poisoned I may not be writing this now. But now we’re getting nuanced and as far as I’m concerned the more info and ideas the better.

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Jul 31Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

That's good you were. I didn't know & my last eye test told me of all sorts like cataracts & so on which set me to searching for other than ops. Another thing I discovered in 'The Lightbulb Mafia' (ebook if you're interested) is the danger of led lighting & that the opthamologists have led in their fancy equipment, blasting our delicate eye parts with dangerous lighting way more intensive than the original equipment from way back. Like the other white coats those 'professionals' appear to have turned a blind eye & aren't questioning it.

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Oh yes. I’ve known about the problems with LEDs for some time. Including how they can be used as a two way communication device. Terrible things. Thanks for the book suggestion.

In the spirit of same but different, have you seen The Lightbulb Conspiracy? About the origins of planned obsolesce and the joyous consumption/throw-away culture we have today.


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Aug 1Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Great thnks, will watch. Didn't know bout the two way communication! These are the Mafia links:



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I will keep focusing on My visions of You 100% healed, and hope this keeps improving Your life!!!

Love always!

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How funny (peculiar funny). Your msg wasn't indicated on my activities. Have you been getting similar reports?

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I have gotten reports that People have been unsubbed... And conceivably I have had that happen to Me - I have seen comments on My work I don't recall being informed of...

Substack is deteriorating greatly. I guess They handed it off to an AI at the end of 2023 to run? Who knows, but I am less than impressed with it now than when I first entered this fray.

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Jul 31Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Oh Craig, how exciting!!!!  Thank you for the very detailed share.  I'm so happy for you.  Would love to know how your overnighter goes!  💐. Did someone buy you those roses? They're absolutely stunning!

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Thank you Zoë for the lovely comment. The truth is at this point I'm just exhausted, but starting to feel happier. Will post on the overnighter -- probably need to find someone to carry my pack though. Re: the roses, they are stunning. The photo is not mine; just grabbed from somewhere. Mine are looking pretty sad these days, but they still produce beautiful flowers.

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Jul 31Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

I hear you Craig and I think anyone who has experienced pain for long periods (even short intense ones) can understand what a huge relief it is to be pain free, even for an hour. Honestly over the moon thrilled for you. Your energy and attitude are brilliant and that's a big help too. I'm also starting to feel happy at this late stage in my life but I had to have someone point it out to me - it's quite a novel feeling. Enjoy and know my heart is with you all the way in solidarity! xo ❤️

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More lovely words. Thank you. Energy etc. for me are a function of motivation, and there are a few positive ones at the moment, so that helps enormously. The energy of the people around you is also very important. I’d rather be by myself than around the negative energy that seems especially prevalent right now (I wonder why!!).

It’s great you are finding some happiness, it’s there to be seized. The mind can be such a barrier.

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Jul 31Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

I hear, understand and agree with every word you wrote. I would so love to give you a nice gentle hug. xo ❤️. The mind is THE barrier IMO and I consider it the "final frontier" as they said in the Star Trek series intro (except they said it was space.) The mind includes the entire body and all the energies in and around though, so that's a lot to work with. You are doing groundbreaking work - I hope you know that. You are in uncharted territory, so, in fact, you're a hero, a pioneer, a leader. I'm not exaggerating either. These are my true thoughts/feelings based on my experience so far in this life. Onward brave soldier! You are never alone.

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Goodness me. I'm a bit speechless. I don't know about that. Most of what I'm doing is because I had no choice -- except to give up. Too stubborn I guess. The knowledge is very old. None is mine; knowledge that has been hidden from us. Fortunately there are some non-corrupted medical types who are putting this together. My chemical engineering background helped to give me trust in what these people are saying. From there all that was required was faith.

Or maybe it was a case of nothing to lose?

Anyway, thank you for those kind words.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Well I do know Craig - there are very few things that I know but trust me, you are on the cutting edge of truth, healing and life itself. It's about searching and questioning and moving forward no matter what - being open to the info coming your way and trying things out yourself, on yourself. You are in charge - you have taken charge which, IMO, is where it's at. I'm sure you know dozens of people, if not hundreds who would have given up long ago and let the killers keep poisoning them. There's something in you that will not put up with it - that's what you've latched on to. Yes, the knowledge is very old and we are in the remembering phase of civilization I believe. When you can contact the power within, as you are doing, to fuel your fight, THAT is connecting to our ancestral knowledge - that is, that WE have all the power we need. I think I've said before, at the risk of pissing you off, I do believe all the challenges we face in life are purposeful. I don't mean it was meant to be or anything like that, just that we are in school and everything we learn, like TRUST (the major one) that we're ok, we can do this, etc. etc., strengthens and deepens our knowledge of who/what we really are. It's difficult to talk about because it's a big subject but we KNOW everything we need to KNOW, it's just getting in touch and trusting we're being helped every step along the way ..... it's grand and majestic and difficult to keep that trust/connection alive on a daily basis but I think it's a really big KEY. Someone who was helping me in life awhile ago said to me "have you suffered enough yet Zoë?" That was one of hundreds of turning points in my life - it's like it opened a new portal/perspective that I could walk through to learn more hidden stuff. We are not taught about who we really are. We are in the process of discovering it. I honour your brutally difficult journey and your unbelievable courage. And I say this from the bottom of my heart and I "see" you in the only way that counts. xo ❤️

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