I do hope this next thing brings You forth to full health! Not sure I mentioned this before, but I am having good results with "mindcurology." If You want to investigate, I offer:

Self-Healing with Mindcurology: https://maxsmindheal.substack.com/p/collections-of-mind-massage-technique

And not sure if @mindcurology has time to work with You, but I do hope what He offers helps as well!

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Turpentine Therapy is used to clear parasites rather than poison. Stopping it abruptly should be OK. I did that and had no ill effects. Extra sleep is wonderful, of course. Healing takes place during sleep.

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“Healing takes place during sleep.” — My thinking exactly.

I’ve been hearing about parasites for years. Not doubting them for a second. Or that turpentine would be a solution.

Problem for me is I have seen no personal evidence this is an issue — and please believe me when I say I was looking (nuff said).

In my case, after a lot of looking at this, & assuming my poison was Tordon, I decided on turpentine because I was still in a lot of pain — all over. The assumption was therefore that there was still lots of chems stored willy-nilly in my body (this should be a long story really on the analysis; very abbreviated here).

I had had improvements with DMSO and ClO2 mainly but they’d stopped. After looking at the chemistry I decided turpentine might dissolve or move the chemicals.

Would appear this thinking is working because the improvement over what I’d tried earlier is significant. Especially pain; it’s actually difficult to emphasis what a difference this has made without sounding like a moaning-minnie.

It is frustratingly slow but my only real regret is I didn’t start using it 10 years earlier. Still a long way to go but for the first time I am beginning to feel I might beat this.

And if the problem was parasites I would absolutely use it. Even if I only suspected that was the problem.

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Are you saying that you have been dealing with this problem for more than 10 years? That is shocking. I hope you try the gold, frankincense and myrrh that I recommended during our previous discussion. It certainly is better suited to clearing poison than any other formula.

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Yes, probably poisoned in Sept 2014 (I had evidence, now lost but will - hopefully - still be obtainable if necessary). Lots of hospital nonsense etc. - long grim story which will just upset me to think about. Was told in 2015 that it could be Tordon but could get no one to help me and I was far too ill and in pain to even contemplate doing the research necessary. Detox etc. So anyway long frustrating story short, here we are.

You bet I'm going to try the g/f/m. Not made yet (need a visitor with camera) but no urgency because I want to make certain I'm no longer under the influence of turps.

When I write about it I would like to give you credit for reminding me about it. Sounds grabbly but it's not meant to be. Credit where credit is due. But if you would prefer not to be I will not be offended (which is impossible to achieve these days anyway -- one of the benefits of myriad near-death experiences I guess).

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I really hope it helps you. Of course I won’t mind you mentioning that it was me who suggested it. Why would I mind? I am not pretending to be inexperienced in dealing with poisoning! Best of luck with it. xx

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Thank you. You may be surprised considering you don't know me…but that actually means a lot.

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Have you tried enemas. Sometimes this is the only way they can be seen.

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No. Great idea though. Wanted to. Coffee ones. Not physically able to myself and couldn’t get help. Still do. Maybe one day.

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Yeah I can imagine assistance will be hard to find for that mission and they are an effort to do, especially if not well.

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Poetry to hear/heal

Insects need salt, flowers are more attractive when they offer salty treats.

Excerpt: For every kind of flower, the ones with salty nectar attracted nearly twice as many pollinators as their low-sodium counterparts, the researchers report today in Biology Letters. They also attracted a more diverse set of visitors: Approximately twice as many species of pollinators stopped by the sweet-and-salty flowers, compared with the sugar-only varieties.

Source: https://www.science.org/content/article/pollinators-their-flowers-dash-salt

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Salt plus water equals hydration.

Salt leads in the dance of hydration.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology.

We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust.

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That sounds promising, I am pleased for you.

I have been having some keffir with breakfast recently, having been limiting my first meal to some fruit and nuts. I have the keffir with some oats, granola and grapes typically. As the keffir should be good for the gut this may be why I do feel somewhat more energetic.

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Thanks, and for the good advice. Thanks. I’m probably fit enough now to make keffir. Only the space needed. Once I’ve moved.

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