Aug 19·edited Aug 19Pinned

I've been told the Baileys have put out a video about me, though I haven't seen it (much more important things on than this distraction).

If true, it's revealing. Apparently it's an ad hominium attack and does not address any of the issues. As if words matter to me.

What does fascinate me is why anyone would care about the views of johnny-come-lately recent death-cultists who have not actually achieved anything except try and bolster their own egos.

Regarding some of these comments. I haven't read many, but there is a clear case of "who needs enemies with friends like this". If I was the Baileys et. al I would be asking my supporters to shut the hell up and keep well away from this. Because the Baileys are no doubt aware that some of their supporters have given information here, which I didn't have, which strengthens my position.

Otherwise, unless JBS is prepared to initiate proceedings against me, all this issue deserves is a big yawn and chuckle.

Also I've gone through the comments and removed and banned any obscene and/or abusive ones.

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RemovedAug 14Pinned
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Christine, you are welcome to think what you like. As I’ve said in the comments here before people can bring their own egos to my motives, and whether anyone believes me or not is irrevelent to me.

That post was written for specific reasons, including to call out JBS for what he is and set the record straight. This was so a true record for the people who actually matter to me was recorded. The people involved, who actually contributed positively. Very simple.

I'm not going to address the rest of your message. It doesn't matter that it doesn't make sense to you. Why would I be concerned that someone who knows only 0.001% of a matter can't make sense of it. Of course they can't -- that's the only thing you've said that does make sense.

It makes total sense to the people who actually know me. That's all that matters.

Thanks for the link to the SoC; I had expected to see it on the Heterodoxies website, but it never appeared when I was looking. It may be there now for all I know. As I said, there are bigger fish to fry.

Good work on the OIAs by the way. No surprises but good to get the evidence.

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RemovedAug 15
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This has zero to do with the Baileys. They chose to ignore my request. So be it.

Imagine what would happen if JBS sues me. Germ theory. In court.

Finally, since you are such a defender of the Baileys, why don’t you ask Mark what happened when I came out of this interview and he was going in for his (late 2021 - his was broadcast first but my interview was first). Ask him what we discussed.

Then find me the evidence the Baileys were publicly speaking out about germ theory before that time. Then maybe we can talk. Otherwise, as far as I’m concerned, you have nothing relevant to say on this matter.


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Removed (Banned)Aug 18·edited Aug 18
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deletedAug 21
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Massive story Dude! Of novel and movie proportions. I detect no malice, just a desire for the truth to be heard, and have that satisfying knowledge that karma takes care of backstabbers! Karma is just waiting for the likes of that grubby Doc and the PR lady, not to mention the complicit of the sickness era, worldwide!

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Sam is so creepy.

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Aug 21Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Now we find that Eric F Coppolino has posted on this topic another one of his laconic discussions with Mark Bailey behind a paywall. It is entitled: "Dr. Mark Bailey on the Intellectual Chaos of Substack and 'Health Freedom' Grifters" subtitled:

"We interrupt this break from public affairs coverage with...an interview with Dr. Mark Bailey on the issue of the Substack echo chamber and someone claiming to have written one of his articles." So despite being roundly corrected by me days ago, Eric still misrepresents the claims made by The Poisoned Kiwi. This astrology tantra freak is NOT a journalist, as he claims. He is a bitch on heat, spoiling for a fight!

I listened carefully this morning and they generalised ad nauseum without daring to name anyone but referring to Sam's memes as 'jokes'. Wow. Some sense of humour!

Apparently they think she is perfectly entitled to chuck excrement at anyone who showed support for the Poisoned Kiwi who they made sure to refer to by his proper name, Craig Hutchison. Mark Bailey repeatedly accused No Virus advocates of causing trouble and division!! What a damned cheek! Not once did he offer any explanation for the unbridled bitchcraft, Dupers Delight and vengefulness of his wife's video viciousness.

Well. As a genuine campaigner, labelled as a fly around shit, I am still buzzing and I look forward to continuing to hover at the side of the Poisoned Kiwi because where there is smoke...... there is usually fire and I don't think he lit that fire without good cause.


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Well who ever is advising them is doing a very bad job. In this case attack is not the best form of defense. I find their actions and reactions very suspicious. It was only JBS I was after - this is very clear from the post.

I wonder if I haven’t inadvertently uncovered a nest of controlled opposition? I’m not the only one wondering this now. They may find the kitchen is getting a bit hotter for them.

Fascinating this has generated the response it has. JBS knows (and I now wonder about the Bs) I omitted half of what I could have included. This is probably going to get much worse for them. The irony is JBS knows my background. He knows every word written is the verifiable truth - verifiable by both documentation and witnesses. I’m now wondering if there is money involved; I intend to find out.

In my own time of course - this is all a distraction as far as I’m concerned.

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Aug 21Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

I figured you might have a lot more unsaid. Hope your health is continuing to recover in spite of all the distracting drama. 💛💚💙

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Thanks. Love your stuff by the way. You’re one of the very few I would actually subscribe to if I was earning. For the moment it’s just thanks.

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Rabies has gain of function. We have footprints, pictures and everything. All I see from the antivirus crowd is the worship of antisomes. Seeing the behavior of Dr Bailey and her followers really brought this home. https://open.substack.com/pub/jamestrue/p/rabies-is-a-fortune-cookie?r=jtyzz&utm_medium=ios

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Sam Bailey sounds like a limited hangout. She has NEVER published anything that I hadn't preceded by a year or two.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

Or produced anything original.

Or ever tried to confront the actual decision makers (in NZ).

Or tried to develop a nationwide campaign (again, in NZ).

I’m now very suspicious of these two.

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Hey @craighutchinson here's some more proof on Dr Sam and Mark Bailey.

I been folllowing them and shared their videos over 2 years and 5 month.

Proof: Showing 10 of 106 matches.


Then I fund out they also was Liars, like their 'friend' @SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkonér.

Here is the video recorded proof also shared on my Substack:

Kim Osbøl: A public message to Dr Sam and Mark Bailey anout 'Freedom of Speech'! [19.12.2023]

VIDEO Proof: What do you call a public person who says one thing, but then does the opposite?

Does Dr Sam (and Mark) Bailey advocate Freedom of Speech?

And then block people who point out what the real PANDemi is?

Is she then also a Hypocrites Liar?

Hypocrite Liar Dr Sam Bailey INFORMATION WARFARE! - What is the Real Fucking PAN-DEMIC?

A public message to Dr Sam and Mark Bailey on their substack.com about Steve Falconer and SPACEBUSTERS.

You all can read it (and share) from here:


Links to the video I made who proof it about Dr Sam (and Mark) Bailey:

'Happy' Fucking Sick Pedophile Frazzledrip Snufffilm Adrenochrome Canibalism Satans Christmas! [19.12.2023]





And about @SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkonér, here is also the video recorded proof:

Systematic Pedophilia & Child Trafficking BIG Thriving in Denmark Part 1 - 28.

- Are the Danish Politicians Sick sexually derailed? (YES)

- Is it an old 'culture' in Denmark? (YES)

- Was Denmark the first country in the world to release Porn? (YES)

- Was Denmark the world's Mecca for Child Pornography? (YES)

- Was Child pornography (Pedophilia) legal in Denmark for 11 years? (YES)

- Are all other politicians silent on this matter? (YES)

- Are they then part of this pedophilia? (YES)

- Do the elite hold hands over and protect each other? (YES)

- Is the legal system in Denmark rotten and corrupt? (YES)

- Are things connected? (YES)

Part 1 Frihed eller Fascisme? [Pædofili] Demo Copenhagen, Denmark 02.12.2020


Part 2 The Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod is still a pedophile ... documented [13.02.2021]

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the judicial system protect him.



Part 3 Nanna Fri - Forbryder eller Frihedskæmper? [16.03.2021]


Part 25 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner Part 1 [16.08.2022]





Part 26 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner - Part 2 [22.08.2022]






Part 27 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner Part 3 - The End! [28.08.2022]






Part 28 Kim Osbøl: This is Exactly Why I Make My Fucking 'Stand'! (Part 5) [17.04.2023]

Jenny Li + Hermina Gheorghe





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Good luck! I know Kaufman personally and he is definitely someone who would lie to people and profit from their belief. The few times he has been challenged in a healthy way I have seen his run away. In a world where propaganda is a virus and no one is immune the idea these virus don’t have gain of function feels like massive denialism.

Charlatan is someone who wants to feel helpful long before they feel correct or accurate. All of the people who have been given a stage on contagion as a myth fit under this category, not because virus is real but because charlatanism is real.

I’ve watched Kaufman trade sex for medical advise. I’ve watched him tell hundreds of people, regardless of symptoms, they have a collagen deficiency without doing any tests.

In 2006 the Allen Institute made the first atlas of the human brain. A rabies virus was manipulated to make this work. We have photos and a roadmap showing rabies can infect every neuron in the brain almost at the speed of sound and we have the data to prove it. I have brought this data to Kaufman and amandha and either of them have heard of this but both insisted, without any foreknowledge, it must be untrue.

Covid is here to show us why liars look like and not all of them are in government. Medicine today is the placebo and placebo comes from the same place the brain lies go itself. We “lie” when we “heal”

Only charlatans can teach us this and we must have our trust crushed in their innocent, concerning demeanor before we can accept this lesson.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 15
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Why are you laughing? Is this funny to you or is this a ruler for how seriously you take things? I am not here to disagree with you. I gave you data because I think more data helps. I told you what the Allen institute did and they have made this information open source where you can verify it or at least consider it before demanding I spoon-feed you after laughing at me. Look in the mirror and see your posture. I don’t need you to grow or change but review and see if I am truly someone who is trying to deceive you vs you trying to deceive me.

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RemovedAug 15Liked by Poisoned Kiwi
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I don 't see anything thoughtful or rational in your reply, Christine. I know Andy personally but that is a "wild accusation?" If you don't believe me, the response would be more rational. Instead you attack because part of you knows how calm i have been with you vs you with me. The only reason you typed a second paragraph was to put distance between you and your first one. The only reason you typed the third was to run away from the second. Run away, Christine. I'm the guy with a bulletproof reputation who first introduced you to Kaufman and you're the one who has her head too far up the movement's ass to see clearly. If you wanted truth you would have noticed i was an ally, not your opponent.

Your'e not funny. Your behavior is pathetic and sad

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RemovedAug 18
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Rabies is a protein shell. So are exosomes, cytokines, extracellular vesicles. These are envelopes containing propaganda written in a 4-bit language of G,T,A, and C. These are psychic vibrations because they illicit a reaction from our antenna. We are who we are because we are receptive to envelopes containing information. Rabies is an especially simply protein shell. You could call it a postcard. It looks like a bullet under the microscope and it is a coiled packet of information much like a fortune cookie. You can see these pictures on the web. I can’t post one in a reply or i would. This postcard has allowed the Allen Institute to map the entire brain and i researched this for my latest book which is why i felt confident commenting on it. I don’t need you to believe anything i just think its important to understand the psychology of a charlatan who wants to feel vital to a community more than they want the truth.

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Aug 14Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

All the best, there are some wicked people out there, they always take advantage of decent humans, many will agree.

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Aug 14Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

A rather satisfying read for me personally - as I've experienced parallel injustices - coincidentally over a similar timeline and involving health debilities. I can sincerely empathise, and I applaud your 'gumption' in insisting on a measure of truth and justice being owed to you. I wish you luck in receiving that ( . . egoic stoicism is a hard nut to crack), but regardless, I hope your act of 'calling it out' inspires other readers of what line we must draw and abide by going forward in the renovation of our world's ethics. Personally I feel that your action, in itself, will benefit your health situation and your spirit, even despite receiving no apology or acknowledgement of the good works you've contributed. I encourage you to forgive, and take no responsibility for, the foolishness of others. Leave that baggage to them. Walk on in the light of your integrity.

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Thank you for your very kind words. I agree regarding the benefit. Which is actually all I have ever wanted to focus on but covid nonsense keeps popping up like wac-a-mole - I never wanted to go near the corrupt medical world. I’m hopefully done with that now. Unless there is legal action - which would be very unwise. And expensive; not for me.

Look after yourself too. Obviously I don’t know your situation, and can only speak for myself. I’ve had best success thinking about poisoning, detox, and old natural remedies in that context. And keeping the hell away from the mainstream medical world. Good luck.

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RemovedAug 15
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Okay. You have been plastering this all through these comments. What's You skin in the game? Because no One is motivated to go about putting forth this much effort unless They expect some return.

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RemovedAug 15
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Well, He does have issue with the fact that They did not return His efforts to inform Them. Even just to ask for proof. A zero response is suspect in My eyes. I got unsubbed and snubbed on a simple matter. They stole nothing from Me.

I had a great deal of respect for the Baileys until that. I ponder whether They are controlled op, Myself.

So why are You so avidly putting down Kiwi? What's it to You?

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RemovedAug 18
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Yeah, I watched that this morning on Odysee. She had comments and flames/splats turned off. What’s She afraid of? I also tried to post a comment there on Her SS. Guess what? She blocked Me.

What’s She afraid of?

I will be writing something on this Myself.

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Aug 14Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Sounds like this JBS fella has functioned as a gate keeper to prevent credible attack before the injections and the like rolled out. Many such plants (not the green ones) around in all of the movements. One big agencies-fest.

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I don’t know what was in his heart, but I would be very surprised if this was the case. I’ve got good reasons to believe this which are private to JBS.

This is a man who was (in my judgement) what might be called deeply deeply deeply asleep - just read his 2020 book if you want some evidence. Things never happened because he insisted on understand all the science - which was futile. I’d had 35 years of it, he’d had none.

I think this boils down very simply to ego.

But you’re correct, there are all sorts of malevolent people involved and we’ve got our fair share in NZ.

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Wow. I know that based solely on a mere passing comment I posted on a Note of yours that you have integrity and honesty, sir. (About the etymology of "parenteral", of all things.) I hope the Baileys do right by you. And JBS, too. What is *wrong* with people??

May you recover good health. Shall include you in my prayers.

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Aug 7Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

I just made a note of this and tagged Steve Falconer @spacebusters to see if he'd be interested in getting to the bottom of the plagiarism issue with the Baileys. Perhaps others could do the same?

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Author

Thanks :yulia. I don't feel strongly about it. This post was made for specific reasons. Every one to do with either neighbours or local politicians. I need all the information in the public domain - why it's so long and why it's a bit of a diary.

That's why the little criticisms make me laugh; people project their own egos onto something they don't understand.

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Thanks for the post. Sounds like you are saying you were poisoned intentionally. Did you have some chemical report on the substance and can you share from what medium? Also, can you share why or who you think was behind poisoning you? Was it your digging into germ theory?

Thanks so much.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

No I've no hard evidence it was intentional - though it's possible. Something I've been thinking about lately. But it's total speculation. And a long story.

What I have hard evidence for is this:

I was developing my remote property - converting a dirty old pine forest into a food forest etc. with a view to some insurance for...now. Long way up dirt road etc. Like I say, remote. About 6mths after symptoms developed and the hospital joy started a neighbour from that part of the world visited (~3hr from my home). He told me the local council had been spraying Tordon on the broom. No signs or anything but he had happened to seen them. The problem is the broom was alongside the river and I was drinking the water. I was boiling but given there was only forest and wild animals upstream (and I was downstream from small rapids - the water was delicious) I wasn't really worried about it.

This was at exactly the time this nonsense started. I was eventually able to find on their website that yes, they had been spraying Tordon at the time alongside my property. That's all I could do.

No hard evidence re: chem report, the opportunity is long gone. c2021 I found someone to do a hair test. I said what I thought the problem was, the test came back with derivative products present that indicated that yes it could be. But was never able to satisfy myself about the instrument that was used for the hair test - 2nd engineering job was for the worlds largest process instrumentation company so I knew what I was looking for. I've still got the report somewhere but like many people things have become a bit tumultuous on the personal front lately, so I'll just have to hope it turns up. I still want to check out the instrument.

Anyway I'd decided my only option was detox as if it was Tordon and we'll see what happens. It seems to be wildly successful so far. Have a look my latest post on that if you're interested.

Enjoy your work PM. Thanks for the question.

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Thanks PK I will look into this and thank for your thorough reply. Does "broom" mean shrubs, and why do this in a remote area? Just wondering not a serious question.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author


I think it was call "broom" colloquially because it was used as a broom.

"Why" is the question. Think someone has the contract. Someone connected with the council. They'll put it where ever they can. $$ Govt. bonds etc. Then there's the broader 2030 etc. agenda -- getting rid of people from remote areas. I'm just speculating.

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RemovedAug 15
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As 3rd parties we don't really know what is behind all this besides to say it is intrigue and mystery. We can't really say who to aim it at or who should or should not be dragged into what, or even how much is really true and how. Be sure my comment above is on the poisoning not JBS or Baileys.

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RemovedAug 18
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I just made a note to that. Calling people Narcissists in a public forum should all you need to know about the other side of the story.

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RemovedAug 19
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And the Bailey's lied to you stating I "sought to energize Mr. Hutchinsons article". Here proof I did not take any position on Mr. Hutchinson’s post about the issue with the Baileys, : https://craighutchinson.substack.com/p/honestly-sam-and-mark-bailey-heterodoxies/comment/65542602

Clicking LIKE can mean many things including, "sorry your upset", or, "I see your efforts", or "You are brave to open the discussion (which could be why you are wrong)", etc.

On Matt's Microscopy, it is not for Mark B. to coerce me not to recommend Matt's SS (which is not a proof of Matt's ideas), that is very inappropriate. It is for me to decide on my own who and why they may get on the recommendation list, this is a clear attempt to gas light censorship.

On the next guy shown on Linked In, I did not know his name and he wanted to stay private, why are they telling me this info? That is doxing and very abhorrent. Whatever has done (the topic of which Dr. Sam reports I did not know nor need to know) has nothing to do with gas lighting me about him.

Dr. Sam has no idea what paychecks I get from being a “medical doctor” nor if I was how many people I would certainly tell there is no virus and to avoid shots-so she is making fantastic opinions. In fact the anti-covid movement needs as many MDs in the system who would be no-virus and no-shot which I am and have had to deal with many people getting upset to hear the pandemic was BS.

I personally am not trying to Black Mail anyone, only that they had started to dox me and it my right to let them know that I know their doxing is associated with trying to censure me, gaslight me to censure others, they are essentially admitting 2 very abhorrent behaviors in their own video.

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Hey Rog, I admit exposing truth narrative twisters will get into mud fights, but besides this thing these folks wont talk about here (democide cover-up by evasion and distraction) which you didn't know:


your friend Eric accuses me of posting a nude pic of him. First it was posted by commenter pooanon which he knew very well, not me:


and second it doesn't show more of him that one can see on the beach.

Hope you get the democide part, if not, best wishes.

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