New Zealand's Financial Resets 1914-2024

See footnotes for image sources.1

This essay series is motivated by the research of retired hedge fund manager David Webb, published as The Great Taking, which shows a credible potential pathway for the

I won’t scrutinize Webb’s work, which has been done elsewhere,2 though New Zealand certainly has some of the mechanisms in place to implement Webb’s ‘great taking’.3 I won’t examine New Zealand’s fiat currency, financial, or banking system in detail either. The debt based fiat currency system has been well researched for many years,4 but essentially

the entire monetary system is nothing but a form of legalised theft.5

I will show how the potentially massive theft of property and wealth described by Webb is not a new idea in New Zealand, but has been done repeatedly. Facilitated, endorsed, and enacted by a complicit state working with external actors, domestic and international, corporate and government. The past mechanisms are different than those available today, as are the targeted assets. The scale and implications of what Webb describes, if it eventuates, will be of a magnitude not experienced in known history. But the idea is the same.6

Parasitic factions that govern New Zealand have always extracted the wealth and the fruits of the labour of its citizens using financial shenanigans while hiding behind lies, war, and created economic crisis.

Many New Zealanders are demoralized and in a terrible malaise, poisoned physically, mentally, intellectually, spiritually. We are a very naïve and heavily indoctrinated people with one of the world’s worst education systems (or best indoctrination systems, depending on your perspective), a most mendacious media, and far too many grifters, grabblers, and oily careerists for politicians and public servants.

Few New Zealanders have an understanding of what money is, where it comes from, how it’s created. Most adults are personally heavily indebted, many small and medium businesses on (or over) the edge of bankruptcy. Debt based fiat currencies are not selective; they debase people and societies as well as ‘money’.

New Zealanders have been indoctrinated to believe the government has their best interests at heart, but we’re not stupid forever, and events since March 2020 are starting to wake many up to this fiction.

The role of government as enacted
Is to control and extract. That’s it!

The previous ‘great takings’ I’m going to examine revolved around seven significant events in the years 1914, 1920, 1933, 1944, 1947, 1967 and 1971. These are not the only wealth extractions made by the state7, but arguably the most dramatic and consequential. These events are not secret or hidden per se, but most people are unfamiliar with them, and they’re never connected. There are consequences.

New Zealanders have little understanding of the history, nature, and context of their money and currency. Which has enabled this periodic theft. These essays may go some way to rectifying that.

New Zealand's Financial Resets

Gold and Silver Stolen

A Central Bank for New Zealand

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Clockwise from top left.

Thousands of unemployed assembled at the Auckland Town Hall on Wednesday last to present their demands to the mayor. 1932. Source.

Relief Work For Unemployed in the South Island. 1928. Source.

An ugly phase of the depression in New Zealand: scenes in connection with last week's riot at Wellington. 1932. Source.

Out of work: a procession of Auckland's unemployed marching to the Town Hall to interview the Mayor last week. 1921. Source.

Assisting The Unemployed In New Zealand's Far South. 1927. Source.

A demonstration organised by the unemployed at Wellington. 1922. Source.


STOP IT! The Great Taking Documentary Film - BIG PICTURE with James Patrick


ITM Trading, Daniela Cambone interviews David Webb — 13 Dec. 2024
Warning: Why Banks Will Seize Everything You Own Unless We Stop the “Great Taking”


A good ‘lay’ interview with Greg Hunter's
You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything (Interview with author David Webb)

Investor Doug Casey
Get Ready for "The Great Taking" Doug Casey's Take [ep.#275]

Parallel Mike
The Great Taking...The Plan To Hand Over YOUR Assets To The Banksters

Retired banker Mario Inneco, 'maneco64’
a) The Great Taking: The Elites' Stealth Plan for Neo-Feudalism
b) If The Great Taking Happens the BIS Will Orchestrate It

Retired banker Catherine Austin Fitts (The Solari Report)
The Great Taking with David Rogers Webb

Retired banker Lynette Zang, ITM Trading
The Great Taking: Understanding the Shift in Global Debt | A Deep Dive Into Financial Collateral

Financial analyst Mike Maloney
a) The Great Taking | Mike Maloney
b) Velocity of Money & The Great Taking | Mike Maloney

Financial analyst David Morgan
Unraveling the Layers of the Great Taking (Interview with author David Webb)

The Daniela Cambone Show, ITM Trading
The Great Taking Author Warns, The System Was Created to Take All Your Money, No One Gets Spared (Interview with author David Webb)

Bert Oliver - The Brownstone Institute
The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game



For example, most investors believe they are the legal owner of ‘their’ securities. They’re not.

In New Zealand, all securities are legally owned by New Zealand Central Securities Depository Limited, itself owned by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Investors are legally only ‘beneficial’ owners.



There is an abundance of material on this subject. Some suggestions to start looking at the fraud that is fiat currency:

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Eustace Mullins

The Creature from Jeckyl Island, G. Edward Griffin (please buy it).

The Mystery of Banking, Murray Rothbard

The Tower of Basel, Adam LeBor

Hidden Secrets of Money, Mike Maloney

The Secret of Oz, Bill Still

Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America, Bill Still


“enacted by a complicit state“
The Wikipedia article on the ‘state’ is correct [emphasis mine]

A state is a centralized political organization that imposes and enforces rules over a population within a territory.


Taxation and property rates are the obvious ones, inflation another, and the massive private debt levels in New Zealand would not be possible without the state. All grand forms of enslavement.