If I like this do I get banned haha. People don't just block other like they have, irrationally, unless there's a fire where there's smoke.

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One thing is certain:

Sam Bailey has caused more damage to the overall credibility of the "No virus movement" (registered trademark, patent pending) with her recent rants, than anyone from outside said 'movement' wanting to hurt it, could have ever dreamt to achieve.

These are my thoughts as an outsider and completely unbiased observer. I have no horse in this race.

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Hey @Dr Sam Bailey ,

I just liked a post which paints you in a negative light. Come and get me!! 😂

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Yes, of course the question is "Why?".

Why are the sweet Baileys doing this.

They won't tell us why so make sense of it ourselves we must.

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The Baileys' role might be to lead the "No virus" thinkers and prevent such people from questioning the relationship between the COVID and 5G. A relationship which Frances gets a lot of pushback for her research on.

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Sep 27Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

I have a question or two. Why do you work under the title 'Poisoned Kiwi'? And what actually was wrong with your health that you, now clearly very articulate, could not put your ideas on the record yourself? Why did JBS have to reside with you? What is preventing you from publishing the contested material in your own name?

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Author

Oh. Poisoned Kiwi because I was poisoned. Funnily enough all I intended to do on Substack was the Financial Reset series and record for prosperity the bond LSAP programme the government undertook in 2020. And a thing or two about what I've been having some success with re: detox.

For a handful of people only.

I do intend to clarify as time allows; right now I need to find somewhere to live. As for the contested material, it's on several computers which are stored away and not easily accessible right now. Anyway, for me this has all been old news for a number of years. It was seeing Sam Bailey make a hero of a man (Bevan-Smith) who I know the truth about that triggered me to finally address something that needed sorting.

Be careful what you ask for aye.

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This is a very very long conversation.

But this is my position. I have done everything and I mean everything I could given the dreadful state of my health. While the people around me were collapsing. This has cost me a very close relationship which I am not going in to. I should say the respect that this individual and others who I fought long and hard battles in 2020/2021/2022/2023 with all hold me in esteem and more than respect me opinion. I suspect you can relate to this is your own way.

It has only been this year I have even been able to sit up for longer than a minute without feeling sick and really type anything.

Long story short I feel I have nothing to apologize for and most importantly the people who are actually supporting me to live agree - I can’t work, I’m still rather crippled - my whole right side is still numb; I’m sure strangers think I’m drunk.

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Sep 27Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

I understand what it is like to be poisoned. It has happened to me too. However, I am curious to know HOW you got poisoned and with what and by whom, if anyone else was involved.

I healed myself and may be able to help you recover your health.

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I meant to add I would love to hear any ideas you have. I have been looking at your health stuff - which is great - and I'm already doing a lot you recommend.

Funnily enough I had given up by 2019; then the covid fraud etc. broke out and it seems to be a driving force.

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I have good evidence it was a chemical herbicide called Tordon I inadvertantly drunk - it's a long story. I did give some info to ProtonMagic here. Let me know if you want more info. I'm happy to discuss.


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Sep 27Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

When I was poisoned it was deliberate and intended to kill me so it was very intense and scary at the time. I was poisoned with phosphorus.

I recovered by using an ancient healing formula from China. I also cut out all grain products from my diet because they are responsible for conveying glyphosate and other pesticides into our bodies. I also avoid 5G and all EMFs. There is only one formula I know which deals effectively with all these types of poisoning and it was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It is GOLD, FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH which must be prepared in a specific way:

First buy medicinal grade resins of Frankincense and Myrrh (Ebay has some!)

Take a small quantity (fit into well of the hand) of each raw resin and smash them to dust in a mortar and pestle. Add about a pint of distilled water. Bring to the boil in a glass or enamelled pot. Do not use a metal one. Simmer the mix, add a gold ring, the higher the carat the better. When the fluid has reduced to about an half inch at the bottom of the pan, strain it into cups. Add honey. Drink down very fast because it tastes awful. Retrieve gold ring. Repeat after 3 days.

Have a juice chaser handy to clear the bitter taste from your mouth immediately after.

Take this early in the day because it does tend to energise!

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Frankincense and myrrh are readily available in Oman, if you happen to be there.

Oozing out of the appropriate trees in the hills of Salalah.

Just saying as otherwise people might think that it's just a biblical three kings thing.

Some of the trees have expensive perfume house labels on them.

The locals burn the resins which then incorporates coal etc, but the resin is also chewed.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs agoAuthor

Thanks Cairn. I'd love to be in Oman (despite the events in that part of the world - great people). There is a place in NZ which also sells the resins of both. Now ordered and hopefully delivered this week. Will write on results.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28Author

Phosphorous is nasty. I'm amazed you survived. But I'm not surprised you were targeted. Something I've been thinking about myself but...for another day. Anyway it's speculation.

I think that is all excellent advice and fortunately I'm doing it all except the gold etc. And I'm amazed you mentioned it because I first came across this maybe three years ago - which blew me away in the wider context of course - and thought I must do it, tried to get some help unsuccessfully and had forgotten about it.

So thank you because now I can do it myself. And you've reminded me and given me the recipe.

Will take me a few days to get everything assembled and I'll let you know how I get on.

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Sep 28Liked by Poisoned Kiwi

Please do! Good luck! xx

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No doubt the Baileys will excoriate Me again for supporting You. Last time I hoped They would be gracious and clear things up. After the hit piece They did which included Me... This time it is clear They completely lack grace, and I expect Them to double down on Their ungracious behavior.

I hope this clears up but with such Ones as They are proving Themselves to be... They will show Themselves again to be piles of shite.

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Blocked. 👎🏻

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Interesting read, thanks for posting!

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