Thank you for that and explaining something of your health issues. I have my own issues with poisoning via food then via incompetent NHS. I believe gadolinium contrast dye for MRI scans to have added to my symptoms plus the immuno-therapy which may well have caused my pituitary/thyroid imbalance. If you are interested this is my link on some of my issues.


I detox slowly too and avoid big pharma drugs like the plague.

I appreciate your words "They certainly don’t appear to diagnose poisoning in this country. I doubt the medical indoctrination process involves much about poisoning."

Same in the UK. Most mainstream doctors know ******** all about what really causes disease and are captured by big pharma.

Again these words of yours spot on "When I should have been diagnosed with poisoning I was diagnosed with multiple-sclerosis (which doesn’t exist as a disease, IMO. More medical bs)."

As you will see if you read my article they called it cancer.

In 2020 and beyond I started thinking of multiple-sclerosis as a chemical poisoning and that if one was going to label what I had MS would be more suitable as my energy has been low.

However, I now realise that really all internal disease is essentially a poisoning of some kind or a deficiency or a combination of both.

For what it's worth, and because I find anagrams to be revealing, that multiple-sclerosis can become

I muscle-less lip rot

Anyway, all credit to you, and I am with you in spirit over here in the UK.

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The cult certainly like to inject stuff into the body. It must take a special kind of indoctrination.

Thanks for your link; I enjoyed the essay. Good job for managing to bypass the cult and sort out your own problems. Avoiding big-pharma and the cult are both essential elements to achieving good health (crazy aye - it's like saying don't use a bridge designed by a civil engineer). It's the only way forward.

I haven't touched anything with NaNO2 in for years; one of the joys of chemical engineering training. Like you I can read and understand the science, so chemical additives in food drive me slightly crazy. Especially as it's chemical engineers responsible for much of this. Like NaNO2, they're all poisons for us. E(vil) numbers.

"However, I now realise that really all internal disease is essentially a poisoning of some kind or a deficiency or a combination of both." Poisoning or nutrient deficiency. That's where I'm at too.

I should have died in Feb. 2020. So much pain. So I stopped taking all drugs (cold-turkey like) and waited. Two months of awful withdrawals - I was on lots of morphine - and then I started to improve. Most surprising. Luckily my cognitive and research skills were not completely decimated and I didn't take the midazolam they prescribed on top. Mixed with morphine, a sure killer al la UK covaids. Still quite disabled but much improved. I use the following:

methylene blue

activated charcoal

bentonite clay

colloidal silver (re: your comment in your essay about NaNO2 blocking electrical action in the body, silver is the most conductive element known.)

lots of structured water

vitamin C (re your essay, I too think it's an antidote for much poisoning)

vitamin D


Mg (oral and topical)



Slowly slowly catchy monkey seems to be the way forward.

Love the anagram. I'll use it (with attribution).

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I'm a bit late catching up with comments but many thanks for your very useful reply. Do use anything you wish. Attribution is lovely as you never know someone might think old Baldmichael might be worth a look-see!

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Do you mean that you don't eat meat cured with sodium nitrite?

No ham?

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Fab stuff that sodium nitrite.

If you like dogs check out maneco64 on bitchute or yt. it's a financial vblog, but Mario's got such a cute wee puppy.

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Jon Rappoport has a post on this theme.

It's a game isn't it, that the afflicted feels special for having a special disease label and the physician feels pretty good about it too.

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Thanks for the link. I read something from him on the same theme sometime ago; will look at this with interest. That was my experience with MS; you're special take this very expensive drug etc. I imagine many of my co-MSers are dead now because they had been told is was a disease most likely caused by ... drum roll please ... wait for it ... a virus! Yes. Something that doesn't exist caused something that doesn't exist. So they would have taken what ever they were fed.

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I wonder what a GP would describe a virus as.

Sort of a Christmas tree decoration.

A red ball with golfing tees stuck in it. Or is that not what they think the virus is, just its little pin cushion fellow traveler.

An update on Bertie Germ. A faceless Bertie.

I know I should go look at Wikipedia but I don't want to.

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I have posted something for you about poisoning, and hope you reply to it.

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Thanks for sharing. I was poisoned too ... by a jab in '99. It was a 'blessing' in disguise as I developed the mysterious CFS which they couldn't treat (origin, the Hep V jab according to Judy Mikovitz' work) ... but it got me off the mousewheel & eventually figuring the cause meant I dodged the CV bullet. I would've likely taken it had I not known what the white coats do.

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Thank the gods you didn't - good on you Pam.

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Very thankful to waking up ... just read your comment above & the death of your fam members. How sad for you. They killed my mum with warfarin, my dad with heart pills then refusal of a stent as he'd passed their unwritten age limit. It's all horrific. Right now in Kiwiland they are pushing the cov jab on us again. And they've silenced the NZ Health whistleblower's info. They mean serious depop business!

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I'm so sorry about your mum and dad. Horrific alright. Painful to watch as they trust the white coat assassins - which is true of almost every person I know. I've read https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-federal-budget-blood-and - showing the outrageous amounts of millions the AUS budget has earmarked for more and more poisons. They've also got a plan .... Covid just doesn't die apparently when you have depop on your mind.

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Thanks Zoe & yes so painful to watch. Thanks for the link too. The info is so overwhelming now ...

On the Oz topic just listened to Sen Malcolm Roberts. He speaks up, did also on the climate scam.


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Thank you for that link - I get quite upset hearing that doctors are not reporting deaths by needle rape because the gov/corp are making it difficult and they don't have time to navigate the process. I mean, c'mon, really? I think it's far more dangerous than that BUT why does that stop them telling their patients or stop giving the damn needles at least? I am not ever going to overlook their responsibility to speak out en masse. They don't do it because they are accustomed to killing people IMO. Since they've been killing and seriously maiming children and adults/seniors for decades with all manner of poison "vaccines", I suppose it would be very mentally damaging to admit they're professional hit men for a violent state and if they really examine the whole vaccine program, as they should have at medical school, they'd be devastated if they have any heart or soul left. Any 'good' doctor promptly left the system IMO or was fired. The doctors who were killed with the shots, via turbo cancer or died suddenly, are the supreme useful idiots.

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100% agree. We have Docs here who signed out ... nzdsos.com Also the Bailey Docs (Sam & Mark) who did same & are greatly censored & hounded by the medical mafia. Like Vernon Coleman who highlights the 'accustomed to killing people' theme. We live in serious times!

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Can't believe I've just seen this. 6 months later! Well done on the dodge. When I was diagnosed with MS I attended a 'living with MS' workshop series. Of the 20 or so attendees, over 50% were young women. I did a very subtle survey and it turned out 100% of them had received the Gardasil (or whatever it's called here) as teenagers.

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That's so damning. Horrific. When I first looked at the Gardasil (did a few posts at the envirowatch site) I saw that 3 young NZ girls died following theirs. A Timaru school withdrew from offering it. One only has to have a look at the Vax bus videos on those, multitudes of injured young girls. I shared a post on of Hilary Butler's on how in one school kids were told if their parents didn't consent to whatever jab it was they were giving that day, then they didn't love them. Big coercion went on to which one child responded by phoning her parent. I see they've banned mobiles from schools now (with the exceptions but writing's on the wall). All the forerunners to the current democide. Did you see the vid being shared lately, As the Last Bell Tolls? https://old.bitchute.com/video/R6Xvnf8RwzW6/

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I'll send you a substack message. I'm not sure it's private but at least it's not here.

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Just re read your post ..."They certainly don’t appear to diagnose poisoning in this country. I doubt the medical indoctrination process involves much about poisoning. " This reminds me of Meriel Watts' info that confirms this. Having fought for years and years on that front. Also the 1080 fiasco... and how some Docs (real ones) have said they are not 'allowed' to diagnose that poisoning or they'll be out of a job. Same with the coroners. All nice n tidy isn't it. Aside from criminal. Much blood on many hands.

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I wrote this as part of financial reset series. 1080 etc. that you mention is a part of that:

Many New Zealanders are demoralized and in a terrible malaise, poisoned physically, mentally, intellectually, spiritually. We are a very naïve and heavily indoctrinated people with one of the world’s worst education systems (or best indoctrination systems, depending on your perspective), a most mendacious media, and far too many grifters, grabblers, and oily careerists for politicians and public servants.


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Wow - anyone who gets involved with the medical mafia and escapes with their life is a super hero IMO. Well done PK! My father was murdered with "MS", my sister was driven to suicide by electro-shock "therapy", benzodiazepines and "anti"-depressants. My mother was murdered through poison food, childhood trauma from the Catholic Church and cardio surgeons and my only brother with the CONvid (or covaids as you aptly put it) poison darts (and mandated yearly flu shots by his corporate masters.) I wish you blessings and good health as you learn how to get your health back. Honestly, the real healers of the world have come back from medical horrors and lived to tell the tale and to warn others. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.

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I call them the death cult. You've just given several reasons why. Thank you for you kind words.

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Yes indeed. And you deserve more than kind words but it's what I have and they're sincerely offered. ❤️

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I know what I have been poisoned with, the mercury from my dental amalgams. It showed up in my hair tests, and when I got a tick bite, the resulting Lyme infection weakened my immunity so I absorbed lots more mercury. I cant tell what you think has poisoned you to give you MS, but my substack is dedicated to treating those conditions with hormones. Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive substance that you can ingest, so I call it the worst hormone disrupter. I am looking for people who are sick enough to need some extra help, and I am interested to know what you think is poisoning you ?

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Thanks Mark. Dental work has been so detrimental to many. Had my fillings out years ago when I started looking at the work of the Weston A Price foundation. I think I was poisoned by a herbicide called Tordon. Nasty stuff. Makes Roundup look like fresh drinking water. The local council was spraying it - no signs or anything, I only found out afterwards from a neighbour - alongside the small stream I was getting my drinking water from. This was in a very rural mountainous area and there is no way they should have been there. It's speculation, as this was 10 years ago, but the timing is perfect, I was very fit at the time, and it just hit me; came from nowhere. Quite ironic really, as I have been raging against the use of this stuff for years.

My hair tests showed the derivative break-down products of some of the ingredients of Tordon. Since I've been treating for this crap (mainly detoxing) progress is being made, so I'm happy with the way things are going.

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