Yeah, a narrative to push CBDC's. I say We would do vastly better if no One needed money at all to afford all of what They need and most of what They want.

A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system

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NZ seems to have a fake video problem…

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That's really funny Craig!

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Banksters identifying counterfeiters? Pot calling the kettle black?

Ha ha, just kidding, I know the scrupulously honest and pure of heart financial/banking industry have the publics best interest at heart, and are just looking out for us. Right?

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Scrupulously honest.

Dr. Evil "Riiiiight" (6s)


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Creating fear of cash.

Wonder why the government would encourage such a fear.

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The BIS want it gone. the BIS control the RBNZ. Have a look here for some clues.

Media Questions for Adrian Orr: 22 April: BIS's Agustín Carstens, CBDCs & control. RBNZ redefining words and more communication issues.


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Well it seems to me that if our notes are hard to replicate, I would have to say that the freemasons in government, printed some money off themselves to create this narrative, they forgot their own lies in the narrative, and then put them into circulation and then viola, Problem, reaction (by them only) and now the solution = No cash, digital panopticon awaits and the freemasons think we are making extra cash, well yes we are. All NZers needs to start laundering money, instead of paying taxes. Make the scum redundant that way.

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Notes are a tiny fraction of actual “money“ — 99.99% is debt (don’t quote that number - just making a point) not banknotes. The gov’ners probably don’t use much — give a few to their staff to buy the groceries maybe. Banknotes are the RBNZs 'product' and it is extremely profitable.

But banknotes do constrain them (the RBNZ etc.) because — among other things — it’s a balance sheet liability so they need a balancing asset — also debt. As you say, it’s freemasonic (and more; much older and a long conversation) and as far as I’m concerned a fraud, instigated (publicly) in the 1920s/30s using lies and fraud.

I haven’t been able to identify what the balance sheet situation would be with the proposed 'digital cash' (another language lie). Have asked the RBNZ; they wont say. Which in itself is revealing.

And cash is of course private, and as the head of the BIS says, “we” need to know where every (name currency) is spent. Can’t control independence.

It’s one giant Ponzi scheme only enabled by keeping the peasants ignorant and distracted.

Dead right about taxes imo. More fraud, ramped up to the eyewatering extractive levels we see today on the back of WW1 and the above mentioned fraud/lies.

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